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Your Kingdom Come
The kingdom of heaven isn't just a destination, it's a movement.
The Perils of Competitive Parenting + Avoid the Competition Trap
Respect your child's uniqueness instead of comparing developmental milestones.
A Journey to Believe
A new series of For Your Soul columns, based on Keri Wyatt Kent's devotional book Oxygen: Deep Breathing for the Soul.
A Look to Remember
When we look at Jesus, we remember his love for us.
Slipping Away
Summer is never endless when you're an adult. It seems like you blink and it's gone.
Taking the Next Step to Serve
An overview of small-group service projects
The Joy Motor
On my desk, I have a cut-glass vase housing bright yellow daffodils and two small but pungent purple hyacinths.
Keep Asking
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened.
That Time of Year
Spring brings a change of wardrobe, typically. Lighter, shorter, brighter.
What Really Counts
Making the days count—how do you do that?
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